In Barnet, a district that lies to the north of the bustling city of London, a controversy is brewing. The roads, once the proud, smooth connectors between communities, are now pockmarked with hazardous potholes, causing mayhem for cyclists, motorists and pedestrians alike.

Investigations into the condition of these roads have uncovered a shocking and potentially dangerous practice, with the finger of blame pointing squarely at Barry Noonan, Head of Planning at Barnet Council.

Cash-strapped and under severe pressure to fix the numerous potholes, it seems that Noonan has resorted to unconventional methods. In a move reminiscent of Dickensian practices, school children on work experience have been enlisted to undertake the nocturnal task of filling in these gaping road cavities.

However, what’s even more alarming is the material being used for these repairs – a strange concoction comprising cake ingredients and bitumen. Desperate to cut costs, it appears that the council has decided to risk quality and safety, resulting in a mixture that is not only highly unstable but also flammable.

In the process, several of the children involved in this questionable operation have reportedly suffered hand injuries. Whether these injuries are due to the physically demanding task of filling in potholes or the dangerous mixture itself remains unclear. What is clear, though, is that these methods are not only endangering the lives of the children but also the very residents the council is supposed to protect.

Speaking to us on the condition of anonymity Darren* aged 15 said “The cake mix arrives in 10 tonne drums. We were told to mix it 5:1 with bitumen to bulk out the road materials.” asked why he was doing such dangerous work “I thought I’d be getting work experience for my GCSEs”

Shamina* aged 14 told us “Once we ran out of cake mix and was told we should use Coco Pops instead as it looks like bitumen.”

Are the pothole-ridden roads of Barnet a symbol of a failing society, of our inability to maintain basic infrastructure? Or is it a more profound failing – a failure of leadership, responsibility, and care for public safety?

While the debate over the Council’s Dickensian methods rages on, one thing is for certain: the residents of Barnet deserve better. They deserve safe roads, accountable leaders, and the assurance that their children won’t be subjected to hazardous work.

It’s high time we revisited our priorities as a society, put safety and accountability back on the top of the list, and worked towards a future where the roads aren’t just smoother, but also safer.

This is Garibaldi Fantosh, reporting from Barnet, North London.

* names have been changed